The thick stone walls and the snow bring to mind the business of keeping warm in the winter. Stone isn’t a good insulation material and thicker walls would be useful for preserving heat. The thick walls also would support the upper levels of the structure.
The question might be which was more important, having upper stories or having more insulation? The below ground kivas would also provide some earth contact shelter from the harsh winters. The kivas are designed with ventilation shafts and a roof opening to allow smoke to escape but the extensive room blocks at most sites are not.
The Pit Houses of the ancestors of Aztec Ruins take advantage of both thermal mass and earth contact. The alcove sites at Mesa Verde are mostly south facing to catch more of the winter sun. At Aztec Ruins the entire site is south facing, the open plaza faces the south and the back wall faces the north.
There is also a question of fuel for these sites also. The main trees that grow in the area are Pinon Pines and Utah Junipers. In the better soil areas sage brush grows. Interpretive information from around the region suggests that the Pinon Pines wouldn’t be cut down as they provide a nutritious and high calorie nut.
The sagebrush cleared from farming fields would be a good candidate for fuel as it burns hot. There are Cottonwood trees nearby along the Animus River. The interpretive information says that Cottonwood would be burned in summer as it provided a bright light but not much heat.
My visit at Aztec Ruins was for about 2:00 hours on a 37 F degree late January day. The trail was clear with a few icy patches. There was about 1 foot of snow in the uncleared areas.
A trail guide to Aztec Ruins National Monument
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